Friday, February 25, 2011


I did it!  I successfully managed to make a pretty decent cheesecake.  It looks half decent and it tasted pretty darn good if I do say so myself.

On a completely unrelated note, we had a little excitement here yesterday when Thing 1 did his uhhhh.....thing in his diaper and decided to take it off on our bed....thankfully he didn't do much with it, although he hopped around quite a bit so I had to wash the duvet cover last night.  You'd think I'd have learned by now that if children are quiet, they're getting into trouble!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A First Time for Everything

I made my first cheesecake today!  I've always avoided trying because so many people told me how finincky cheesecake was so I figured it was better to just not bother.  But today, I took the plunge.  It's not actually finished's currently doing it's time in the fridge but we'll be having it for dessert with supper tomorrow.  It looks ok, so here's hoping.......

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Late Night Mutterings

So I've been trying to cook with more whole foods lately.  Odd for me since McDonald's is one of my top-rated restaurants but this weird thing happens when you have kids.  It's ok for me to stuff myself full of fat and preservatives....but I feel kinda crappy doing that to my boys.

We've been getting our organic produce delivered every other week for over a year now and I love it!  Granted it's forced me to try foods I may not otherwise have bought, but as it turns out, kale's pretty friggen good! (I make a mean veggie kale soup!)

I tried making my own bread for the first time the other day.  I'm going to have to play around with that one a little more.  Bread tasted darn good but it barely rose so kinda looks more like bread biscotti.  I'm gonna tweak it a bit and see if I can do better next time.

Finally, I made my own chicken stock.  We had bought one of those whole chicken meal deals from the grocery store and saved the leftovers so I threw those with carrots, celery, onion, a bay leaf and parsley in my slow cooker and left it overnight.  Turned out pretty darn good I have to say although I'd forgotten that I hadn't salted it so it tasted kinda gross when I first tried it.  Ah well, cuts our sodium intake!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Morning Musings

Well, I was up until an ungodly hour of the morning watching The Shopping Channel last night.  Why yes, I am strangely addicted to watching that particular station.  More often than not, it's at night when nothing else is on, but even during the day I get a kick out of it.  Once we ordered the Tony Little microbead pillows.  LOVE THEM!!  But Thing 1 has now claimed them as his own so once money's a little less tight, we'll be ordering some new ones.

It's a quarter to 11 in the morning and yes, I'm still in my pj's working on my coffee.  Can you say 'lazy'?  The Hubs is on parental leave so he's gone to swimming lessons with Thing 2 and Thing 1 opted to nap (so weird, he's normally an afternoon napper) so I am enjoying my coffee and might continue reading Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Great story: Thing 1 came downstairs this morning and both The Hubs and I started to freak because it looked like the poor kid had 2 black eyes.  After a quick glance, we realized he'd gotten into my makeup.  The eyeshadow made it onto his eyes, although there was more underneath them than on the lid.  Kid's destined for Broadway I think...

Late Night Mutterings

I felt like I just needed somewhere to say what I think, hence the new blog.  Ranting and raving is something I'm ridiculously good at...sometimes those rants have a point and sometimes they don't.  I just needed somewhere to write them down and let it all out, and this is it.

It's 1am.  I should have been in bed eons ago (though truth be told, I rarely make it to bed before midnight anyway).  But I drank a Pepsi and now I'm WIDE awake.  I've always been something of a caffeine addict.  The longest I've gone without was when I was pregnant with Thing 1....and that was only because even the smell made me want to hurl. But lately, I thought I'd try somethingn new and stopped having anything caffeinated after 6pm and I've been sleeping like a baby (though not like either of my babies, who have never been much interested in sleep).  Tonight I drank my one Pepsi at 7pm and 6 hours later, I'm still going.  How does that even make sense??